
Many people believe that when a tooth has problems, the only solution is to extract the tooth. But, today, one of the procedures that have served as a solution to save the teeth, have been the procedures of Root Canal Tijuana. Because at Ortho by Elizondo, we want to offer our patients solutions that do not compromise the functions and aesthetics of the mouth, we have the service of Root Canal Tijuana.

What Is The Root Canal Tijuana Procedure?

This treatment is characterized because the specialist in dentistry performs maneuvers to remove those parts where the dental pulp is damaged. It is practically a procedure that acts from the inside of the tooth to avoid damage to the functionality of the teeth. The primary purpose of the root canal Tijuana treatment is to be able to save all the elements that surround the dental pulp, such as the bone, the gums, and the tooth.

For this to be possible, the infected tissue, where the blood vessels and nerves are located, will be removed and replaced with a particular material which will prevent the re-emergence of the infection and allow the tooth to be saved.

When Can a Person Know If he/she Needs a Root Canal Tijuana Procedure?

As with any illness, the body will send signals to the person if there are problems in the oral cavity. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Hypersensitivity in the gums.
  • Intense pain when chewing.
  • Inflammation of the gums and external areas around the mouth.
  • Fever.
  • Swollen glands.
  • Changes in the color of the tooth or teeth.

If the person presents any of these symptoms, it is necessary to resort to specialists in root canal Tijuana as we are Ortho by Elizondo.

What Is The Procedure Performed at Root Canal Tijuana?

Once the person has had his first consultation at Ortho by Elizondo, our Root Canal Tijuana Specialists will evaluate the conditions of the patient’s oral cavity. Therefore, the evaluation will first be done manually so that the dentist can see if there are changes in the colorimetry of the tooth and see if the areas around the tooth are affected.

Once this manual evaluation has been made, it is time to submit the patient to panoramic X-rays. In this way, the root canal Tijuana specialist can have a better idea of the state of the dental pulp and thus know how to save the tooth.

Since the damage to the dental pulp has been detected, it will be necessary for the dentist to act immediately to save the tooth. For this, he will anesthetize the patient in the affected area, i.e., local anesthesia, so that there will be no pain during the root canal Tijuana procedure. Before the treatment begins, it will be necessary to wait for the substance to take effect.

While the root canal Tijuana specialist waits for the anesthesia to take effect, he will continue to prepare the materials he will require to perform the procedure safely.

Once the area is prepared, it is time for the dentist to make the cavities that will allow him/her to access the damaged pulp. In this way, the specialist will analyze what state the tooth is really in and will continue to perform the procedure.

Once the dental polish has been analyzed, it will be necessary for the root canal Tijuana specialist to extract the area damaged by the infection and at the end to perform a cleaning of the canals where the pulp was located. This is done to disinfect the area to prevent traces of bacteria from reinfecting the area.

After the channels have been cleaned, it is time to define the length of the channels and seal them with thermoplastic materials. Our Ortho by Elizondo specialists ensures their work, with the help of X-rays.

Since the dentist has made sure that the canals are clean and sealed, he or she must place a crown, which, depending on how affected the tooth was, will be made to fit and match the color of the other teeth. This way, there will be no difference, and it will look entirely natural.

At the end of the procedure, our dentists will recheck the process with X-rays.

What Should Follow-up Care Be Taken After a Root Canal Tijuana Procedure?

It is essential that after a treatment such as a root canal Tijuana, both the patient and the dentist carry out an exceptional follow-up to ensure that the procedures performed do not cause significant problems in the future. That is why the patient must attend all the appointments that our dentist has assigned to him so that there can be a monitoring of the restoration process.

What Is The Necessary Care After a Root Canal Tijuana Procedure?

  • In order not to cause immediate discomfort, our patients must avoid eating when the anesthesia has not yet worn off. Otherwise, they may suffer injuries without them noticing.
  • The affected area mustn’t be bitten or chewed until the area has been fully restored.
  • Correct hygiene must be carried out, so the patient must brush his or her teeth continuously three times a day.
  • To avoid alteration in the healing process, no alcoholic beverages must be consumed.

For more information about the root canal Tijuana procedure, please schedule your appointment with our specialists at Ortho by Elizondo.

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