Oral Surgery

Although oral surgery may sound like a procedure that is only performed in emergency cases, the truth is that, in the dental sector, oral surgery is performed in many of the treatments that are performed at Ortho by Elizondo. Therefore, when thinking about dental procedures, it is always necessary to go to specialists in the field.

When Can a Person Require Oral Surgery?

A dentist may choose to perform oral surgery if there are tissue problems or diseases, periodontal conditions, or damage to the jawbones. For each case, the oral surgery specialist will perform different methods to give patients the well-being they so desire and need. But before this can be possible, the evaluation and approval of the dentist must perform the surgery.

Types of Oral Surgery

Within Ortho by Elizondo, we offer different types of oral surgery, from tooth extraction to endodontic procedures. In each of these cases, various specialists will be required as each professional focuses on a specific area. Therefore, at Ortho by Elizondo, we have specialists in endodontics, orthodontics, periodontics, and cosmetic dental surgery.

We are characterized by the performance of three oral surgeries, which are

Maxillary sinus lift, lateral and vertical / Lateral and vertical sinus augmentation: This oral surgery is indicated for those patients who, at the time of requiring dental implants, do not have enough bone to place the screw or screws. For the implant to be placed, our specialist must increase the volume of the bone, which is why he performs this oral surgery to enable the placement of the implant. In this way, he ensures that the screw remains in the desired place, and there are no complications due to bone loss.

Simple Extractions: Dental extraction is performed when a patient presents severe damage to the tooth, excess caries, lack of space in the denture, infections, or damage to the dental pulp. For each of these cases, our specialist in oral surgery will perform the necessary techniques so that the patient cannot suffer damage to the functionality of his or her oral cavity. Therefore, tooth extraction will prevent the spread of disease to other teeth. The lack of teeth can be compensated for with implant treatment.

Third molar surgery (Wisdom teeth) / Wisdom teeth extractions: Wisdom teeth are one of the main reasons why a dentist should remove teeth. When these molars start to erupt, not only they can cause a person severe pain, but they can also damage the alignment of their teeth. These molars are already useless.

What Other Types of Oral Surgery Are There?

  • Dental Implants.
  • Root Canal.
  • Tissue grafting.
  • Maxillofacial surgery.
  • Jaw repair.

How Can a Patient Be Prepared For Oral Surgery?

Although different procedures are performed for each oral surgery procedure, the preparation is very similar for each one. First of all, it is essential that the patient does not make excessive efforts before the oral surgery, that he or she has followed the indications of the specialist. The patient should not eat before ten hours after the surgery. The person needs to be aware of the type of anesthesia he or she will be using because, in case of requiring intravenous anesthesia, it will be necessary to have the support of a person.

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