Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry dealing with children from birth through adolescence. The specialty of pediatric dentistry is recognized by the American Dental Association, Royal College of Dentists of Canada, and Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons. Unlike general dentistry, Pedodontics – Child Specialist takes care and monitors children’s teeth, mainly because baby teeth directly influence the final teeth. Therefore, children’s dentistry makes sure that those problems with baby teeth are solved before permanent teeth appear. In this way, the infant will not present severe damage to their teeth.

Our Pedodontics – Child Specialist working within Ortho by Elizondo often observes and treats more severe problems than a child-focused dentist. The main conditions that can arise are associated with the alterations and shape of the teeth. As well as to the excessive number of teeth or the lack of them.

When Is It Necessary To Go To a Pedodontics – Child Specialist?

At Ortho by Elizondo, we recommend that parents bring their children to our Pedodontics – Child Specialist at approximately 5 and 7 years of age. This is because, during this stage, the jaws are in full growth, as well as the emergence of permanent teeth. In this way, it will be easier for our specialists to prevent and treat conditions associated with the oral structures.

During the first visit to our clinic, our Pedodontics – Child Specialist will analyze the state of the child’s health, so he or she will examine the extraoral and intraoral part to see if there is a problem. Since the infant is in the growth stage, the Pedodontics – Child Specialist will analyze the eruption of the teeth in detail, so they can determine if there are no problems in the emergence of the permanent teeth and analyze if they correspond to the child’s age.

Another essential part that the Pedodontics – Child Specialist will examine is the child’s bite through the position of the jawbones. Once the evaluation process has been completed,treatment will need to be initiated if required.

One thing to consider is that for our Pedodontics – Child Specialist, prevention is essential, so they advise that from the moment the first teeth appear, parents can go to a specialist so that there is accurate monitoring of the teeth. If there is one, it will be reassigned to other specialties in the dental sector.

Why Is It Important For Parents To Take Their Children to Pedodontics – Child Specialist?

If parents want their child’s oral health and appearance to be in optimum condition, it will be necessary to go to a Pedodontics – Child Specialist, because these specialists will ensure that the growth of the oral area is carried out correctly, using the appropriate treatments so that there are no problems. Parents need to consider the importance of the procedures performed by the Pedodontics – Child Specialist since proper treatment at this stage will be reflected in the rest of the infant’s life.

Also, our Pedodontics – Child Specialist can teach the child how to carry out correct hygiene of the oral cavity; in this way, periodontal diseases can be avoided.

What Treatments Does Our Pedodontics – Child Specialist Perform at Ortho by Elizondo?


Treatment in charge of eliminating the pulp chamber that has been contaminated with bacteria due to an accident or dental caries.


Indicated in temporary teeth that have been contaminated entirely by bacteria, eliminating the dental nerve and replacing it with biocompatible materials.

 Chrome steel crown – celluloid

Restorations of metal or resin, which protect the temporary tooth that has been damaged from its structure and due to caries or accidents, restoring its function, phonetics, and aesthetics.

 Fluoride application

Preventive painless treatment that strengthens the teeth, thus preventing tooth decay and providing a better prognosis.

Aesthetic restorations
Filling used in cavities caused by caries, returning the function and natural shape of the teeth, leaving them free of bacteria and thus stopping the destruction of dental tissues.
Don’t hesitate to consult and schedule an appointment for your child.

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