
What Is Invisalign Tijuana Treatment?

It is a procedure that has the same concept as metal brackets; the difference with Invisalign Tijuana is that its structure does not consist of visible metal parts, it is quite the opposite. The invisible orthodontic procedure, Invisalign Tijuana, has the purpose of aligning the patient’s teeth without the need for the person to wear metal structures in their mouth.

Since it is made with transparent materials, orthodontics will not be noticed at first sight because it is a very advanced technology that allows the patient not to be suggested to the wires that are usually seen in traditional braces. On the other hand, they can be used to fulfill the function of those removable orthodontic procedures. Still, the change with Invisalign Tijuana is that its purpose is to align the teeth and respect the current appearance of the teeth.

How Does Invisalign Tijuana Technology Work?

This type of invisible orthodontics allows the teeth to move progressively. This is achieved by placing small pieces on certain teeth so that with the help of the transparent retainer, the movement of the teeth is facilitated. For this type of procedure, it is essential to have the experience of the best orthodontist, which is why at Ortho by Elizondo, we have a specialist who knows how to work with Invisalign Tijuana. This way, the patient is given the desired results.

What Is The Procedure For Invisalign Tijuana Placement?

Once the patient has come to our clinic in Ortho by Elizondo, our specialist will begin by evaluating the person’s oral cavity, performing orthodontic studies to find out the actual condition of the tooth structure.

After the denture check-up has been completed, our specialist will analyze the patient’s current situation so that she can find out which treatment is ideal for the person, following the needs required by the patient.

If the patient is a candidate for the Invisalign Tijuana procedure, it will be time for the necessary samples to be taken for the transparent aligners to be developed. For this, a 3D intraoral scanner will be performed so that the person’s teeth can be digitized to obtain aligners suitable for the patient’s teeth.

Once the retainers are ready, which will be after a couple of days, the patient will have to come to our Ortho by Elizondo clinic again so that our specialist can place the first pieces, which will be implanted in the teeth to allow mobility. After these pieces are in place, it is time to install the invisible aligners of the Invisalign Tijuana treatment.

For Which Cases Is The Invisalign Tijuana Procedure Functional?

Although the decision will depend almost entirely on the orthodontist, the truth is that this treatment is indicated for those patients who present problems with the alignment of their teeth, such as crooked teeth or crowding. It is also indicated for conditions related to malocclusions. The Invisalign Tijuana procedure can be performed on anyone at almost any age; it is only a matter of our specialist analyzing the circumstances in which the patient’s oral cavity is located.

Benefits of Invisalign Tijuana

In Ortho by Elizondo, we assure you that:

  • The appearance of the teeth will not be affected as the aligners are transparent, so they will not be as visible as traditional braces.
  • There will be no discomfort when eating, as it is recommended that the aligners be removed before this process.
  • Unlike other procedures, the patient will not suffer internal injuries since no wires will be placed.
  • It is a more hygienic procedure because the aligners can be removed and washed more carefully.

Recommendations For The Treatment of Invisalign Tijuana

For this procedure to be carried out properly, the patient must follow all of our specialist’s instructions, this in terms of hygiene, the use of retainers, care, and scheduled appointments. Not only is it the work of the aligners, but the most significant responsibility lies in the patient; if the desired results are to be achieved.

Are you interested in the treatment?

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